( this great pic was taken by my super talented Vanessa )
Several months ago I received an email from "J's" new mom. You may remember this post . Thanks to Google Jody was able to search out my contact info. How great is that ! We have emailed back & forth, chatted on the phone, are following each others blogs and if that not special enough....we've now had the opportunity to play !
Our visit went better than I had expected in some ways & as expected in others. Jody had warned me that "J" has taken to being shy with new people. Which is totally normal with all that as gone on in his short life since leaving us. However, he wasn't shy at all with the kids....to their delight ! Jody & I had also spoken about what she could expect from "Me" in regards to "J". Everything about my parenting is about what is in the child's best interest. I reassured her that it was no way my intention to swoop him up in my arm showering him my emotions. Don't get me wrong I'm full of emotion for this little guy and if he wanted it I would have loved to have a good snuggle. The reality is that he doesn't remember me. I'm a stranger to him. I remember every little detail of the first 14 months of his life. He does not. I've been asked by many " Do you think he remembered you?". The answer to this question is layered. I do not think he has any conscious memory of us. If anything he may have some physical memory. I hope his heart remembers being loved, being adored, being someones priority....
I feel super fortunate to have been invited back into "J's" life. I warms my heart that he has been matched with such an amazing mother and family. Jody told me that she " prayed for this wonderful boy". What she doesn't know is that I was praying for him to be matched with her. I strong compassionate women who would love him with every fiber of her being. That he would be surrounded by a strong united open minded family where " loves means everything not blood".
What a beautiful outcome and a blessing for all involved. ~Kari