we all have it ! Some of us more than others from what I've observed. I struggle with being a chronic over thinker. I caught myself just a few minutes ago in one of those being hard on myself internal rants that used to be an epidemic for me.
I'm feeling conflicted...my best wasn't enough in a recent work situation and I really hate feeling like I've let people down. In the past this situation would of had me beating myself up intensely and running around exhausting myself making endless apologies. Over the last few years I've been working hard to correct this in myself. It's okay....it's not the end of the world....I can only do my best. These situations are not all bad...they give me a chance to question whether I have been doing my best and to re-evaluate how I can improve how I handle things the next time. Time management at the moment seems to be my issue.....I think. Then I start thinking of what needs to be dropped or handled differently. In a busy house it a fine line....for example ( this is more for me down the road than it is for any of you :) In the last 5 hours I have:
striped the beds
shuffled the laundry
put my clean clothes away
eaten a bowl of cereal
unpacked from my work trip
run updates on 2 computers
answered 8 emails
sent 5 more
managed 2 facebook accounts
emptied & reloaded the dish washer
gathered all the garbage and dragged it out to the street
had a quick hello with Kevin
made a pot of soup
made a batch of gluten free herb flat bread to go with the soup
had 3 good long phone calls
missed 2 while on the line
sent out all the reminders for ball tonight
started 2 blog post
cleaned up after the bird
gone to the washroom 4 times....my adrenal glands are not happy
Still to do today:
get dressed
eat lunch ( since it's almost 2pm)
return those missed phone calls
shuffle kids off to the pool
finalize all my homeschooling receipts
work on the large pile that needs to get to the post office !
vacuum as much of the house as possible
remind kids it's Grandpa Bill's birthday next week
make dinner ( still deciding what that will be)
respond to any responses from those emails I sent out earlier....
get kids to put their laundry and things away ( so wish they were more self motivating in this area )
Ana has soccer (5 to 6 )
eat dinner
clean up after dinner while responding to the routine last minute texts about ball
organize kids for bed so I can leave on time.....
Baseball :)))) ( 6:45 until when ever...)
finish other blog post
remake my bed if I don't get it down before hand....waiting for things to dry
hopefully be asleep before midnight.....
And this is a quiet day...no wonder I'm tired and dropping the ball. They say we need less sleep as we age....I'm not so sure about that ! I feel like I was much more resilient when I was younger. I certainly need more rest & downtime now than I needed back then.....
Getting some of it out of my head has helped for now.....Sharing all this is not about making myself feel better specifically....it's about sharing my process.......sheesh it's now after 2:30....I really need to stop and eat.....chicken soup here I come.....hope your doing better than me in balance in your day !!!
Let's consider this part 1 of a new series of " How Shannon's mind works " scared or curious ?
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Our first soccer player !!
I'm so over the moon proud of you Ana !!
It takes a lot of courage to push past that negative " you can't do it" voice and to just go for it !!
To step out of your comfort zone to try something not only new but to jump into an already established team !!
You are so amazing and well I think your pretty cool too :)
GO Ana GO! GO Ana GO !! GO Ana GO !!! GO Ana GO !!!! GO Ana GO!!!!! GO Ana GO !!!!!!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
May in my bonus yard
(Front yard lilac)
( Front Entry Planters)
( Back yard Lilac)
( I love these Haustas)
( The Lupins are so close to popping !!)
Friday, May 24, 2013
Did you know I'm half Aussie ?
Being the only part of my father's family living outside of Australia growing up was a bit odd. We had all these Aunties, Uncles, Cousins ( 28 the last time Dad & I counted) and a another set of Grandparents but only knew them through our Dad's stories initially and then a couple of rare short visits. I only have a faint memory of my Grandma's visit....never met my Grand Dad.....This of course was all before we had such easy access to the internet and facebook. Phoning home was crazy expensive....and writing seemed to be much the same....so both were very rare occurrences. My Aunty Pip is my Dad's youngest sister. She's a traveler.....a bit of a gypsie herself. However, the last time she was in our part of Canada was 18yrs ago. I was renting a room off of my Dad and was still nanning. Lots has gone on in those 18 years. Her kids are all grown and she's a Grandma and I've moved a dozen time, loved on several dozen little ones, developed a whole career and became a Momma myself :)
I was so worried that we were just going to have the ugliest weather during their short visit. Started praying and hoping and wallah !!! It was gorgeous :) We visited and had dinner the first evening. It was so nice to hear her voice. The kids LOVE that she sound like a real Aussie....."cause Papa just sounds like Papa" !! I love that she's exactly like I remembered :)
Then it was a full day of fishing, visiting and soaking up the sun at Cluxewe and on our deck. We sure did feast on fish that night !
It was a such an excellent visit....if only it could have been for longer ! Aunty Pip I sure do feel special :)) The fact that you felt so compelled to come all this way to visit me, my kidlets and our little out of the way town means so much....you have no idea ! Thanks Mom & Dad for being up to the world wind trip and to you President Terry for once again being the perfect fishing guide/partner for my Dad & big boy !!!
We miss you already Aunty Pip :))
( Keisha, Aunty, Liam, Anthony, Mom & Ana at Cluxewe )
I was so worried that we were just going to have the ugliest weather during their short visit. Started praying and hoping and wallah !!! It was gorgeous :) We visited and had dinner the first evening. It was so nice to hear her voice. The kids LOVE that she sound like a real Aussie....."cause Papa just sounds like Papa" !! I love that she's exactly like I remembered :)
Then it was a full day of fishing, visiting and soaking up the sun at Cluxewe and on our deck. We sure did feast on fish that night !
( Beach combing at the marina in town early in the morning before the marine cloud had fully lifted)
( Liam checking out the first round's catch )
( she's so pretty )
( the second round setting out.....those brave " Tom's" )
( They caught fish, checked the crab traps, managed to all return dry & in one piece....they had a great time !!!)
(Ana )
( Liam)
We ended their visit with doing some crabbing......good thing Aunty's a morning person :) Boy they were successful !!!!
( 6:40am returning from crabbing )
It was a such an excellent visit....if only it could have been for longer ! Aunty Pip I sure do feel special :)) The fact that you felt so compelled to come all this way to visit me, my kidlets and our little out of the way town means so much....you have no idea ! Thanks Mom & Dad for being up to the world wind trip and to you President Terry for once again being the perfect fishing guide/partner for my Dad & big boy !!!
We miss you already Aunty Pip :))
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
May - in my yard
( 32 cherry tomato plants, parsley and acorn squash )
( Pansies for color )
( Peonies)
( the raspberries are getting ready....:)
Sunday, May 12, 2013
( Gluten free Coconut layer Cake - a special request :)
Today was spent relaxing and doing things the way Liam desired. It was his day after all ! Blueberry Pancakes for Breaky, hours of uninterrupted i pad time, a very thoughtful visit and gift from our friend Eric, emails and phone calls full of birthday wishes, home made burgers with BACON for dinner and last but not least this ridiculously simple yummy dessert. This year Liam choose to go the simple route. Next Saturday we'll be heading down island to see " Iron Man 3" and to do some birthday Lego shopping.......
Happy Birthday my sweet little boy !!!
Friday, May 10, 2013
San Jo Bay
This past weekend my wonderful friend Kevin suggested we head out to San Jo Bay. A destination up here on the north end of the island that was at the top of my " places to visit" list. The locals all talk about it and regularly inquire if we've been there yet......now I can say "yes, we have " ! The weather has been amazing this May. A total gift from the Greek god Zeus according to Ana :)
We ( meaning Me, Keisha, Anthony, Ana, Liam, Kevin, Greg, Kayden, Piper & Jackson) enjoyed most of the 2.5 hours trek there each way.......there was quite a bit of bemoaning from my youngest two about the half hour walk in. I think it had more to do with the " unknown" then any one of their actual complaint items :) I was a bit concerned that it might have been a bit much for Keisha but she did fine. The trail has been cleared nicely, fairly level and is well maintained.
On the way out in route to Holberg, not far from the highway.....on the right you'll come across this wonderful treasure......The Shoe Tree !! The kids loved examining all the different shoes and reading messages of love and remembrance.
Kevin had timed our arrival perfectly....we had hours to enjoy the glorious beaches....spending most of our time over on 2nd beach past the caves. We found a perfect spot to lay out the blankets, drop our gear and set to work.....sand castles to be built......flocks of birds to be played with......rocks to be climbed.......caves to be explored......sea life to examined........
It was just the best day outing I've had in a good long while.....a brilliant way to start off the out and about season !!!!
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