Saturday, March 20, 2010


This weekend my big boy and I had a first. Anthony traveled with his scout leaders, a well intentioned group of Dad's to a mass scouting sleepover at Science World in Vancouver. This require them to drive from here to Naniamo ( approx. 3hr), take a 1 1/2hr long ferry, catch the right shuttle bus from Horseshoe Bay to the sky train station, then sky train into Vancouver making sure they got off at the right stop !! I know I sound a little over the top don't I. My concerns came from the leaders total disorganization.

My boy & I have both practiced this " him being independent thing" in various ways. Which have all been successful. I was worried this time not because I was second guessing how he was going to behave. I was more worried about the people he was traveling with. So I decided instead of canceling the trip I was going to look at it as a opportunity to pass on a deeper lesson "in taking care of yourself" to my child.

So we:

- packed lots of extra gluten free foods just in case he wasn't able to eat much that was provided.
- a list of " just in case" phone numbers ( his Aunty & Uncles & home)
-$25 in cash & change for the phone & food.
- discussed what the agenda was supposed to look like & what was appropriate conduct for him, the other boys & for his leaders.
- I reinforced the idea of listening to that little voice. That there was no such thing as a bad reason for calling for help or even just to check in if he was feeling unsure !!

Well he arrived home safe & sound & super tired with a great big smile. He had eaten all his rations, spent all his money and had the best time. His leader praised him for being such a great kid !! It was nice for both of us to hear.....a fact that is not lost on me....he so great !!!

All is good !!!

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