Monday, August 23, 2010

Food creativity.....

While down in Courtenay I had picked up a bag of three fresh roasting hens.  Due to our vehicle issues they ended up needing to be frozen.  On the drive home they defrosted enough that wouldn't allow being thrown back in the freezer.  So yesterday I threw them all in the oven and served them up with the traditional sides.  I'm all about efficient cooking so I had made a super sized pot of mashed new nugget potatoes.  I have a huge fondness for meat pies especially when their packed full of yummy vegetables.  The only problem I have with making my own is that pesky pastry.  It's one of those things that I have just resigned myself to buying.  So tonight I decided to make due with using the mashed spuds.  It was a hit !!!  I don't know why I hadn't tried it before.

I started by sauteing up some diced onion & garlic.  Then about four cups of the left over gravy from the night before.  I threw in about three cups diced chicken.  I streamed up some cawliflower, carrots & broccoli until they were half way done.  Then stirred everything together.

I then top the filling with the left over mashed potatoes and baked at 350 for about 30 minutes.

We rounded out the meal with one of Keisha's wonderful garden salads.  Lucky for me there's just enough left for lunch tomorrow.  I think tomorrow we'll turn the remaining chicken into one of Anthony's favorite soups !!


  1. the mashed potatoes are a great idea, I cheat to and make a batch of biscut dough and drop on top instead of pastry, pastry is way to much work.
    I found you through my blog stats and thought I would come over and say hi, I have been meaning to for a few days. I grew up in courtney and victoria and my family still lives there.
    Have a great day.

  2. Thanks J. I'm going to try using biscuit dough next time.
